About the Artist

Wildlife, semi-surreal, and realism artist

I started my journey as an artist over two decades ago. I was obsessed with digital art at the time, messing around with my computer and photoshop to see what I could create. I would edit photos all day, every day, and post all of my creations to my myspace. Yes, I’m that old. I even remember my first portrait I ever drew, it was of Davey Havoc from AFI.

As time progressed, I began to realize how fun digital art actually was and invested in a Wacom tablet. I started drawing in Photoshop and Corel, creating anything and everything I could think of. I began to realize how much I love shading, making things stand out and pop, and bringing my drawings or sketches to life with just a few highlights.

I eventually was gifted an iPad Pro a few years back, and that’s when my art really took off (mainly thanks to my Dad, and an awesome tattoo artist who gave me so much encouragement to get started). I started drawing with procreate, making prints and selling them, working commissions, and discovering my love for portraits and abstract art alike.

Being able to work from home recently, due to the unfortunate pandemic that is Covid-19, I began to experiment more with different mediums. I started to paint with watercolors, acrylics, gouache, and oils. I found this art form to be so relaxing during these times. I’ve since gotten into fluid art, as well as pet portraiture, all of which you can see in my Gallery.

Art is my passion. Art is my love. I’ve come to realize that this is what makes me happy, and makes me thrive. Art is truly my life.